Annuals & Perennials

Annuals & Perennials

Your lovely flowers - we promise!

Perennials return for many years. In contrast, annuals don't grow back after completing their life cycle. These plants complete their life cycle in one season (they germinate, flower, produce seed and die). Some annual plants grow back from dropped seed, but typically you must replace them annually (a little word trick to distinguish them from perennials). The list of annuals is long, but some examples include geraniums, impatiens, zinnias, marigolds, petunias and pansies.
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What does it involve?
Deep, infrequent watering is preferred over frequent, light watering. Most annuals will do well with the basic initial fertilization during soil preparation. Any check in growth caused by insufficient nutrients or water can reduce the quality of the planting.
How does it work?
We are dedicated to providing growers and grower-retailers with both innovative and time-honored young plants for growing on. We are dedicated to providing growers and grower-retailers with both innovative and time-honored young plants for growing on.

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Call us at 305-924-8820 or contact us for your free quote.
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